Enhance the most precious years of your child with play learning!
Enhance the most precious years of your child with play learning!
Play is the most natural way of learning. At Baby Leela, we nurture this power of play to facilitate learning.
Babies play all the time… with or without props. For babies, engaging with patterns, colours, sounds and energies everything is a play. The space and props at Baby Leela is arranged to facilitate learning at it’s optimum best.
Do babies actually play with others? There are different types of play one engages in as they grow up. Play with friends or playmates begins after their sense of individual (I, Me) becomes stronger by the end of infancy and beginning of toddlerhood. Till then, they might not learn playing with others, but they learn through seeing others engage in play, primarily when they see their parents play.
Through activities in the Baby Leela Centre, an infant may engage in the following ways: